button to set a turned layer back to perfect horizontal or vertical
in progress
Lyline Lim
in progress
Lyline Lim
Hi, the team shipped "Perspective" correction feature on iOS, feel free to have a look. We are thinking about implementing a fully automated way as well
Roland Graf
Lyline Lim: dear lyline, thx for the Perspective Correction :-) But it doesn't help for our rerquest :-( what we need: an additonal icon/button on the layer's frame that puts the layer back to perfect horizontal/vertical when we turn the layer to the right or left - often accidental, when we zoom in or out - or if we just like to straighten out a layer. thx to make this important addition asap :-) thanx for this fantastic app!
PS see images attached: the add. button could be placed f.e. at the right upper corner.
Roland Graf
will this ever be implemented? 🥺 would be highly helpful isn’t it?